Wednesday 26 July 2017

Goal Setting/Learning Management System

What Is Goal

Goal is the object of a person's ambition/effort/an aim/desired result.Goals are important to motivate you by working hard to acheive your goal. 

Characteristics of Goals

Goals should be SMART or known as 




Realistic and 

Time Based.

Having goals can improve your academic performance by learning to set goals that motivate to do well in the future.So,here are my goal list:

My Goal List

  • Managing an international company
  • Meeting Johnny Depp
  • Visiting London
  • Learning Mixed Martial Arts
  • Having a gaming room in my own house
  • To have a loveable family

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Taking Lecture Notes

Taking Lecture Notes

Taking notes during class is very important for students as it is quite a challenge since lecturer won't give you notes but you need to jot it down yourself.Learning to take notes is a skill that will help you to become a sucessfull student.It can also help you:
  • For Active Listening
  • Receive Accurate Record of Information
  • Help you to interpret,condense and organize information
  • For repetition of material

How to Take Lecture Notes

  • Read text before class
  • Be familiar with key terms
  • Identify main ideas to organize note easier
  • Review last class notes
  • Sit in the lecture line of vision
  • Listen with open mind
  • Try to ask and answer question
  • Listen for main points and related details

Effective Note Taking System

There are various way of taking notes.One of it is The Cornell Note Taking System:

Taking notes will be much easier now since you know the method.

Reviewing Your Notes

1.Recite From Headings

  • Help to learn in an intergrated way
  • Prompt memory by using heading of notes
  • Check notes if missed any

2.Recite From Recall

  • Learn in an isolated way
  • Learn specific answer to specific questions
  • Use recall questions

3.Talk about information with others

  • Talk about it in your own words and explaining
  • Get together with friend to review your notes
  • Discuss problem and solve together
  • Teach other peoples

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Time Management/Organizational Skills

For today,we are going to talk about how to manage our time well because as a student,managing time well is a big first time to achieve sucess.However,most of us prefer PROCASTINATION which is really dangerous for us.Some of the reasons we always procastinate are:
  • Perfectionist
  • Avoid failure
  • Being Rebellious
  • Feeling Overwhelmed
  • Lazy
We can avoid procastination by:
  • Remember your goal
  • Be alert to deadline
  • Self reward 
  • Set Priorities
In order to manage time efficiently,you could make a daily planner or a weekly schedule.So,below are the example of my planner:

There are many benefits if you can manage time well such as:

  • Keep in schedule and meet deadline
  • Reduce stress
  • Build your confidence
  • Complete work without stress

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Academic Intergrity And Performance


As a student,the act of plagiarism or in a common term,'copy and paste' of someone work and make it look like as our own work should be prevented at all cost.So,there are simple steps that we can use to avoid plagiarism:

Step 1:Planning Your Paper
  • Consult Your Lecturer
  • Plan Your Paper
  • Take Effective Notes
Step 2:Writing Your Paper
  • Cite Your Source
  • Make It Clear Who Say What
  • Know How To Pharaprase
  • Evaluate Your Sources
  • Include A References Page
So,make sure to do your work in right way or you may get suspended or worst,EXPELLED.

Calculating Grade Point Average

As a student,we should achieve as highest as possible for our grade point average or in short,GPA.In UiTM,we use the following grade calculation system:

Remember that GPA are depend on each semester while CGPA rely to our GPA.These are formula to calculate our GPA and CGPA.

Rather than viewing formula,we should try to answer an exercise to show that we can understand about GPA and CGPA.Below are the sample exercise and answer.


Goal Setting/Learning Management System

What Is Goal Goal is  the object of a person's ambition/effort/an aim/desired result.Goals are important to motivate you by working h...