As a student,the act of plagiarism or in a common term,'copy and paste' of someone work and make it look like as our own work should be prevented at all cost.So,there are simple steps that we can use to avoid plagiarism:
Step 1:Planning Your Paper
- Consult Your Lecturer
- Plan Your Paper
- Take Effective Notes
Step 2:Writing Your Paper
- Cite Your Source
- Make It Clear Who Say What
- Know How To Pharaprase
- Evaluate Your Sources
- Include A References Page
So,make sure to do your work in right way or you may get suspended or worst,EXPELLED.
Calculating Grade Point Average
As a student,we should achieve as highest as possible for our grade point average or in short,GPA.In UiTM,we use the following grade calculation system:
Remember that GPA are depend on each semester while CGPA rely to our GPA.These are formula to calculate our GPA and CGPA.
Rather than viewing formula,we should try to answer an exercise to show that we can understand about GPA and CGPA.Below are the sample exercise and answer.